The Santa Rosa de Lima Catholic Church
The parish of Sta. Rosa de Lima originated
in 1792 with the arrival of Fray Francisco Favie of the Dominican Order. Prior to this fooundation, our town was only a barrio
of Binan, and was named "Bucol" because some of the southern parts were hilly. The first house of worship was a "Bisita" constructed on the lot beside the Municipal Hall,
then known as the "Presidencia". The structure still stands and serves today as the Police Headquarters and
Municipal Jail.
In 1970, the Spanish friars built the present Catholic Church with recruited labor from China who later became
descendants of the old Chinese families in Santa Rosa like
the Lijauco’s and the Tiongco’s. The old convent is now the main building of the Canossa School. Both the church and the convent
were completed within 12 years, and the church was inaugurated on August 30, 1792 with SANTA
ROSA DE LIMA as its patron saint. And instead of “Bucol”, the residents chose to name the town “Santa Rosa.”
The present convent was constructed in 1954 when he arriving Sisters of the Canossian Congregation utilized and subsequently
renovated the old building and it became the center of the Canossian Mission in the Philippines. Behind the old building (when it was still a convent), was an open
field which was the site of the old Santa Rosa Cemetery. This was later transferred to its present site during the last years of the
Spanish rule.
Throughout the Spanish
regime, the town of Santa Rosa was under the administration
of the Spanish friars, hence it was called the friar lands. In 1850, the Casa-Hacienda (the site of the present public elementary
school) was built as the friar’s Administration Building and also served as residence most favored by visiting dignitaries. There was
an underground passage from the foot of the stairs of the convent crossing though the town plaza to the stairs of the Casa-Hacienda.
The execution of Dr. Jose Rizal and the abuses and injustice of the Spanish authorities led to the hostilities among
the inhabitants. In 1907, many disgruntled citizens embraced the Aglipayan religion. The parishioners suddenly diminished
in number, and the priest held masses even if there were only seven persons attending.
Santa Rosa de Lima, our patron saint, is believed
to be miraculous. During the Japanese occupation, several evacuees from neighboring towns attested that a beautiful lady in
black and white urged them to come to Santa Rosa where rice and fish were abundant and they will not go hungry.
Upon visiting our church, they said the Lady who invited them was none other than our patron saint. The Japanese cavaliers
attempted to shelter their horses inside our church, but the animals galloped wildly and could not get inside. Many more stories
are related by our citizens about the miracles of Santa Rosa de Lima.
Our church has eight (8) big bells that toll
and ring majestically with sounds heard as far as distant barrios. Each bell is identified with names of saints – Santa Rosa de Lima (the biggest bell),
Santa Barbara,
Santissimo Sacramento, San Juan Bautista, San Jose,
Santa Cecilia, Santo Domingo de Guzman, and Niño Jesus. The patron’s
name, the name of the manufacturer and his address, the priest hen serving as curate, the year of casting, and the name of
the donor (if any) are all engraved on the bell’s surface.
We also has the biggest clock measuring one and
one-half meters in diameter, whose sound announces every quarter of the hour. It was destroyed during a dogfight between the
USAFE and the Japanese air forces, dismantling it of its statues of saints most specially those we use in processions during
the Holy Week.
The various developments and improvements of
our church were influenced and carried out by some of the good priests which we had in our Parish. Fray Andres Tejedor (Oct. 1916 - Feb. 1926), a Spanish priest of the Dominican Order, inspired Mariano Perlas, Sr.,
an indigenous Santa Rosa painter during the early 20th
century, to paint the ceiling of our church. It was a great attraction from 1923 to 1960 and was as beautiful as the ceiling
of the Quiapo Church.
Among the paintings were the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, the Coronation, the four Evangelists, Saint
Roche, and others.
During the time of Father Agustin Reyes (1957-1966) the paintings were removed when the ceiling was repainted during the renovation of 1960
because some pictures have been effaced by bats and of age. The two paintings on the ceiling of the choir loft or “Koro”, the image of the patron saints of Christian music – Holy King David with the harp and
Santa Cecilia at the piano, are the only remains of these more than a dozen paintings on the church ceiling.
When Father Benito
Pagsuyuin (1917-1981) was the Parish Priest, some paintings that were rotting in the sacristy were assembled, and the
late Dr. Pedro Rivera has them repainted. They were framed and displayed at the back part of the church.
The short stay of Father Buenaventura Ubarco (July 1987 – Nov. 1988) as Parish Administrator marked the birth of the Parish Youth
Council of the Laity (PYCL) organized with the help of Sister Carmelita C. Decasa,
fdcc then Pastoral Sister of the Canossian Congregation. It was also during this time when the Parish Lectors/Commentators
Guild (LCG) was formed. He also restored the church sacristy.
Father John
Paul Villanueva installed the Adoration Chapel using the Baptistry. He also activated the different church organizations.
Father Antonio Atienza, who died in office after serving the Parish for only one
year, was responsible for the repainting and repair of the whole church roofing. He also initiated the renovation of the church
façade. The exterior niches which for so long stood empty, were finally filled up with statues of Santa Rosa de Lima, Saint Joseph,
the Virgin Mary, and the four Evangelists.
Under the auspices of Father Mar R.M. Castillo, and with the support of the parishioners at large, the beautification of our church patio was
completed in barely one year of his stay at the Parish. It gave the church a beautiful setting with a fountain installed at
the center of the patio, and on one side, the Fourteen Stations of the Cross are depicted on the stone wall. Father Mar also
made possible some renovations like the widening of the Altar and the repair of the side entrance of the church.
our church has made rapid progress. Many renegade Catholics have returned to the flock. Several religious organizations, as
well as social and civic groups, are participating wonderfully in the projects and activities in the church. The number of
church goers and communicants has increased significantly. We have now four (4) Barangay Mini-Parishes – Tagapo, Sinalhan, Aplaya
and Caingin. Their organizations served as a connecting link to the Mother Parish
Council of the laity, thus the carrying out of activities became faster and even smoother. Because of the various improvements
being seen by the parishioners, they have become more generous in giving and more conscious of their duties and obligations
to the church. Inspired by this response from the people, the Pastors, together with the Parish Council of the Laity and its
member organizations, improvements and renovations of the church were completed. The Adoration Chapel was renovated under
the supervision of Father Mar Castillo while
the new convent was constructed under the tutelage of Father Melchor
Barcenas. The building of the Mortuary has been accomplished under the auspices of Father Anthony Ricafort. The newly constructed belfry of the church with the support of Father
Larry Abayon. The lighting of the church and patio and the
new suelo of the church has been carried out by the present parish priest Rev. Father Ricky Yapana and more new
feasible projects are being lined up.
As the town of Santa Rosa propel to greater heights owing to the tremendous developments as an industrial
community, our church will not be left out in this progress. This is as long as we are one people of God – working harmoniously,
sharing thoughts and ideas, and joining hands together for the good of our church and that of its entire people.
Santa. Rosa de Lima Parish * F. Gomez St., Brgy. Kanluran, City of Santa. Rosa, Laguna 4026